the matrix: warp & weft

A village of handlooms - the people of west bengal earn their livelihood in processes of weaving fishing and farming.
In traditional India women are predominately the spinners of thread as it seems a natural work to manage household chores in between, but a growing number of women move to weaving as spinning is being taken over by the monopolizing low cost of the same from  the mills. This woman is at a pitloom created in her "mudhouse" just on the front porch.
in the matrix:
A series of weights is attached to the warp to keep it tight and from shifting so that the end textile produced is a fine unobstructed weave.

The warp is an established amount of threads adhered in the loom vertically to give the textile it's foundation(see above). The weft are the threads applied by the weaver horizontally, creatively in the process of weaving. Setting up a loom is an intricate process.(p.s. no electricity required)
The looms are quite large and often require a separate building from the house. Some villages build makeshift structures so that a couple of weavers may work together.
4 looms in a room(sounds like a children's book)
 Finishing the details of the weft in a saree still on the loom - the raised patch patterns are known as jamdani and are special to Bengal, their extra threads require cutting after weaving.
the product: newly woven sarees drying after starching, a natural starch that is used is made from the same flour as chapatis